So my company is G-1 (G company of 1st regiment) and we are known as the Greeks. A company is about 130 cadets and consists of cadets from all four year groups. It is the basic organizational level, with it broken down into four platoons. The Firsties (seniors) fulfill officer positions, the Cows (juniors) do the NCO (non-commissioned officer) jobs. Each company has an actual officer and NCO (known as TAC officer and TAC NCO; TAC stands for "train, advise, counsel") to keep track of us and cover any legal issues that come up.
Anyway, we have a "humorous bathroom publication" that our spirit staff publishes every week and tapes to the stall doors of our bathrooms. Last week's featured author was none other than yours truly, so here is my piece for your enjoyment or disdain, whichever you prefer.
Top 10 Things to do While Reading the Greek Weekly
1. make toilet paper origami
2. if someone knocks on the door, make sure to reply with "come in" (but make sure the door is locked)
3. come up with ways to make fun of the Greek of the Week
4. write a Greek Weekly article (in your head or on TP)
5. count the number of boogers on the wall
6. wonder if anyone is watching you from Taylor Hall
7. have a conversation with the person next door
8. think of things to put in the Greek of the Week mystery box
9. open the window because it's probably starting to stink in here
10. oh, might as well do what you came to do!
I guess some of them require a little explanation. 3- the Greek of the Week is the most spirited member of the company for the week. They win either a day of staybacks (basically means the can sleep through breakfast formation and breakfast) or can pick a mystery box. They also get a sweet article about them in the Greek Weekly. 5. the walls are pretty gross. 6. The West Point administration building is right across the street from our barracks and each stall has a very large window facing Taylor hall. There aren't any shades. 9&10 are pretty self explanatory I think.
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