Monday, March 29, 2010

oh the things I look forward to

There will be much reason to celebrate when we graduate from this here school, and here are a few of the things that I think I'll either miss or not miss (I'll let you guess which I'll miss and which I won't):

-having to walk 15 minutes straight up a hill just to get to my truck
-then having to drive at least 15 minutes to get anywhere
-having to evenly space the wooden hangers in my closet
-making my bed 'tight' every morning (not that I actually do this anymore)
-washing dishes in the same sink I shave and brush my teeth in (and my roommate too)
-wearing flip-flops in the shower because you have no idea what the other guys using it have growing on their feet
-having three complete meals available to me for free every day
-bookshelves for all my books instead of trunks
-having an actual kitchen and not having to do things like boil pasta in a hot water maker
-having a roommate (I guess that can still be arranged though)
-history tests, history papers, history class
-my church community and all the great people there
-plebes/freshmen outside my door announcing the next formation
-lots of people willing to mentor/counsel me at a moments notice
-having to hide my chef's knife because it is beyond regulation length (hopefully my TAC isn't reading haha)
-more room in my freezer than for just two ice trays
-studying strategic management
-hanging out with my friends here and those from the outside community

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