Thursday, March 25, 2010

it starts to hit home

I guess a lot of my motivation for starting up this particular blog is that so much of my life right now is beginning to point toward graduation. The very happy reality is that soon enough my life will not be confined to these granite walls. Here's a few ways that us Firsties (seniors) are starting to feel the impending freedom:

-we are getting pictures taken for our 2nd Lieutenant ID cards this week
-today at lunch they announced that we have fewer months until graduation than the yuks (sophomores) have years at the academy
-filling out invitations and announcements
-RSVPing for friends' weddings that are the day after graduation
-getting uniforms ready, shaping my beret
-realizing that I only have 8 more weekends and that's not enough to do all the things I still want to do
-the last time I wear Dress Gray (our winter dress uniform) will be this weekend
-talking about where I'm gonna live when July 7th rolls around and I begin training
-we got RFOs (request for orders) which tell us what brigade we're assigned to and any follow-on schools we received (airborne and rigger schools for me)
-our last APFT (physical fitness test) is in two weeks (and if we fail, which is tough to do, we won't graduate on time)
-planning post-graduation vacation which so far consists of a road trip to Miami and a 7 day cruise
-getting ready to turn in all our issued stuff like field gear, linens, etc.

-oh yeah, and the reminder that we still have to pass all our classes!

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