Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Getting Started

There's nothing like a countdown to get your heart racing. I can remember hanging in anticipation as Mr. Trump, our high school track official, raised his starting gun to release us for a race. The space shuttle has a countdown, that's a pretty dramatic event, right? Anyway, for the past few months I have had a set of bright green numbers flashing in the corner of my computer screen. Each day, the number gets smaller and I come closer to a certain realization.

Today it reads 59.

That is 59 days until May 22nd, a day that is sure to be the happiest in my short life thus far. It is the day in which I will (God willing) graduate college and depart from the South Hudson Institute of Technology (I'll let you construct the acronym), also known as Castle Grayskull. It's actually better known as West Point. For the past 4 years (well, 5 sorta) they have been trying to prepare me to be a responsible, knowledgeable, and competent officer in the army. Whether or not the Institute has succeeded in their aim remains to be seen.

What will follow for the next 59 days are reflections as I prepare to hang up (ah, who am I kidding, as I prepare to BURN) my cadet uniforms and don a different 500 dollar monkey suit. This one will be blue though, and it will signal my entrance into what is known around here as the "profession of arms." When we say arms, we mean guns and not bodily appendages. My views and thoughts are solely my own, not those of any government entity. My motivation is purely reflective, but why not share it? West Pointers will probably call me a tool or whatever the latest derogatory term is, but I kinda think that I should take this whole army thing halfway seriously since it'll be my place of employment for at least five years.

I hope to post on a regular basis, and my posts will varying widely- from West Point stuff to Army stuff to news articles to faith-based stuff to whatever matters to me and I think is slightly related to my education and growth. Tomorrow will be my first real post.

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